Let's start from the beginning

Friday, March 31, 2006

CSI at ISM! Nothing like a mystery crime for a Friday.

Well, I have another blog that involves cats...but they aren't my cats. They are the cat's the "belong" to the guys in our wiremill. See, a momma cat had kittens, and the guys started feeding them...well, we have had a plant shut down the last three weeks, so, these nearly grown "kittens" have apparently been sneaking into the factory, and wandering around. I know this because I had my CSI flashlight out, and saw little paw prints in the dust. Well, it looks like 1 (or three) cats found something to chase in the electrical control room, where 12,000 Volts of three phase AC current flow.

I think it went down like this: Cat/s find mouse/mice. Mouse/mice have strong will to live and run for saftey. Safety apparently, is a 12,000V transformer. Mouse/mice escaped cat, but jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, and shorted out main 12,000 volt line. Mouse/mice catch on fire and attempt to get out of transformer. In the process, they light the dust/soap in the electrial trenches on fire. This scares the cats and they run away. Mouse/mice are so badly burned, they die shortly after in an electrical control panel. Now, I have very bad stench, and we are still missing three cats.

Authorities are treating this as an accidental death, though no bodies have been found. If you have any information leading to the finding of any of the three cats, or where the bodies were disposed, please contact Investigator Malone immediatley.


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