Let's start from the beginning

Monday, January 30, 2006

What the weekend held.

Well, we'll start with Saturday morning. My friend Doug Aiken came up to Grove City and we headed out to Franklin and Kennerdale (butt early in the A.M. I might add). We were in search of Bully Hill cave, and Cimino cave (supposedly an ice cave-even during the summer). With GPS in hand, and the assistance of a PA atlas we set out. We found Bully Hill cave with little problem. The coordinates which had been found probably 30 years ago were accurate to with in about 2 or 3 minutes. Fairly impressive with a GPS. Its a neat cave. Some pretty technical stuff inside and quite a few spiders. Cimino Cave on the other hand, proved difficult to find. So much so that we didn't actually find it. We scoured the rock cover ground for nearly 45 minutes and all we found was a sweet 15-20' "cliff" that would be excellent for bouldering. So, we found 50% of what we were looking for, and also further explored two railroad tunnels up in Kennerdale. By the way. Don't speed thru the little hamlet of Kennerdale. The locals dont' take kindly to this, and they will come out of their house, and stand in the middle of the road, and yell at your for going 3 mph over the posted 25 mph speed limit. Then they will help you find the old Kennerdale train tunnel. Mental note-you will fit in better there if you wear camo and don't drive a little Honda Civic.

Well, we didn't get pictures on this trip, but I do have two pictures from two other caves I was in. The first is me squirming thru a passage in Dravosburg. There was a lot of water in that cave. The second is me "holding up" the Guillotine at/in Lemon Hole. That is a sweet cave.

The second thing we did, was go to my wife's best friends play down in Pittsburgh. Cup-a-Jo Productions put on a multimedia event. It was really quite nice. I give it a three thumbs up. There were three short films, and a play. This play really gets you to thinkin'. The director/writer shows much promising talent and I know we will all look forward to her next piece of work. My vote is for a comedy/musical. If you need graphic design, or even help directing plays, give Joanna a shout (cupajoprod@gmail.com). Well, that's about it for exciting things over the weekend. Feel free to contact me though if you have a motorcycle you would like to get rid of for real cheap. I have a car washing sponge from Tarpon Springs, that little slice of heaven, to trade for it. Peace out yo!


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