TGIF Baby!
Thank God it is Friday! Which is wierd, cause we had a friday last week, and I wasn't completely pumped about it. The big thing is-what to do this evening? Everyone knows you can't just sit around and least not two weekends in a row.
The #@$!!@* Update: Removed!
Let's see, I don't know that I have any political rants today. Maybe I do. Why don't those senators and congressmen hurry up and approve Judge Alito? Is it because they are afraid he is "too conservative".? You didn't see republicans making a big stink and threatening a filibuster when Ruth Bader Guinsberg (spelling?) stepped up to the bench...and think it is pretty safe to say this woman is far left (But that could just be me, since I am a conservative, sitting so "far right", that the "center" looks left to me.). Come on public servants! Just get your job done. That's why we voted for you.
Sorry, I think these posts get more boring every time. I am going caving this weekend. Well, maybe not into the caves, but looking for them. Got the old GPS, entered their coords, and even located them on a map so I can get to them. Well, see how that pans yout. I have 5 caves to look at, they are all with in 20 miles of me, but that is lots of driving since they are in three different counties. Maybe I can at least get some pics of the entrances.
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