Let's start from the beginning

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday-AKA "Day 5" on the ISM Time Card

Well, Since I am not going to get into any political rants right now...I guess there isn't much to say. Looks like a crazy weekend ahead. Perhaps some caving and the Steelers have their play off game against the Broncos. I'd like to think we didn't come this far to lose the AFC Championship.

Anybody out there into caving? Turns out, there are a number of small caves in Western PA. About 5 within 20 miles of my house it turns out. I don't have any elaborate equipment. Infact, against my better judgment, I don't even where a hard hat. I just wear some seal skinz gloves and an LED head lamp. Seems to work just great.

The @#$@# Update: Removed!


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