Let's start from the beginning

Friday, April 14, 2006

So Far-So Good!

Alright, I have yet again, been delinquent in my updates. But today, Good Friday, I have one for you.

Thanks Dave for goin' on a bike ride down (that would be up to you) at Moraine. It started out cool with some pretty consistent showers, but it turned out rather nicely. We pretty much had the entire park to ourselves. Of course there was the obligatory/token old man smoking a pipe, fishing down along the shore-but otherwise, it was pristine. Moraine has a nice bike trail that is 7 miles one way. It's all paved...very smooth riding. There was a fair amount of wild life out. Saw some Mallards fishing for who-knows-what in the mud. By the time we got to the 7 mile point the rain had stopped, and it was warming up. In all, a good day.

Tomorrow at 8:00 AM, is the first day of trout. That's the creek behind my house. That is the stocked creek behind my house. It is so close, I could sit on my porch and probably cast into it from there, but that takes the fun out of wading in the water with knee boots and the such. I will probably wear some unnecessary get up-like a leather fedora, a game vest, wader boots, cargo pants, and a large hungting knife, just to feel more "sportsman" like-but I still probably won't catch anything. If I do, you can be darn sure it will show up on this blog! This is my first time fishing during trout season. The fishing line is ready, lure tied on...watch out Rainbows-prepare to meet....awwwwe, never mind-who am I kidding, they'll probably outsmart me ;-P

Ahhh, yes...In case anyone was wonder (from a few posts back)-no, We still haven't found the rodent/cat/person/thing that died in/near/around the transformer.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hmmm, something seems amiss!

Okay, I don't normally post twice a day, but this article makes me mad! Unless I am missing something, they left out Flavor Flaaaaaaav! When I think grillz, I think of my boy Flav. Also, they failed to mention which demographic this "trend" is big with. I feel that it is important, because otherwise this article is very misleading. It's just plain old, irrepsonsible journalism!!! Come on people!!!!

Who Says Kites are for Kids?

So my Kid Brother(Dan) was at OBX last weekend. He borrowed one of my "toys" for the weekend. That's the neat thing about growing up as a guy. You don't stop getting toys, they just keeping getting bigger, and more expensive. I let Dan borrow the 3 meter (yes, that is nearly 10 feet across) Airush Power kite. Power Kite is a very accurate term for this kite. It is actually used for training in learning to Kiteboard, but it's big enough to tow one arund in the sand, or on a snow board as well.
Here is Dan flying the kite through the power zone. That is the zone the wind pulls the hardest on the kite. It is about 60° on either side of you, and about 55° up from the Horizon. He is fighting a steady 10 mph wind here with +20 mph gusts. It's kinda hard to tell, but he isn't wearing a body harness or anything, so everytime the wind pulls him, He's basically holding his body weight back with his arms...I suspsect (because I have no experience with the latter), that flying this kite in 20 mph winds is like turning an old WWII B-17 flying fortress. It's you vs. the wind. Flying this kite for 30 minutes is a full body, full cardio workout.
Dan's just Hot Doggin'now...flying over the water. It's kinda fun to see how fast and low you can get to the water/ground without crashing. If your ever at OBX or near Kill Devil Hills-you can get a kite there really easily, at the neatest little shop on the beach.

Well Dan-here's your shout out. Now send me my kite back!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Caving at Loyolahanna Creek

I am too lazy to double post so, you gotta go to the page for Official Hodag swag!